Friday, June 04, 2010

VIC THRILL + T POW! || Mercury Lounge || Fri June 4 @ 11:30PM

VT-TPOW-merc 6.4.10, originally uploaded by victhrill.

Shimmyin', shaman, showman VIC THRILL and siren of the sage and stageT POW! will reel and heal you of shame, sadness and depression with unembarrassable optimism and uncut celebration of life through music and dancing! Be revitalized by T POW!'s elixirs of life and reborn by VIC THRILL'S homemade holy waters, sending you home on a heavenly note!

Where: The Holy Shrine of The Mercury Lounge (217 East Houston Street, New York, NY 10002)

When: Friday June 4th 11:30PM


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